pressed flowers, 4:00 in the morning and ashlyn's horse!:-)
my muse keeps odd hours!...or maybe she just knows when the house will be resting, the critters will be sleeping and it's time for the flowers to come out and play!:-)
i'd offered to make a horse picture for a fundraiser for a very dear friend of mine...i'd been thinking about it for some time and at 4:00 in the morning the idea burst into action:-)
here's what happened!:-)
our wonderful devin had brought me a bagful of beauty-full leaves!:-)...almost a caramel color, they seemed like just the right thing for a horse:-)
as the picture began to take shape and i began to think about my young friend and her horse it dawned on me!:-)...this little guy was almost the same color as ashlyn's real life horse, chance!:-)...his official name is "Take a Chance on Me"...she did...and now they are best friends:-)
a fancy, gold linen napkin layered with a sheer black scarf created the background...i love repurposing things!:-)...fabric, frames etc...the local thrift shop is one of my favorite haunts and that is where i found these beauties!:-)
the horse was created with devin's leaves...mane and tail from a wild grass that grows on our property...his hooves have a touch of shine from a money plant seed pod...eye and nostrils are tiny snippets of a dark cosmos...
the ground is from vintage lily of the valley gathered in jacki's garden in massachusetts...thank you for sharing your garden treasures with me, jacki:-)
the full moon is from the back of a silver poplar leaf...i layered it with hydrangea lace (the skeletonized remains of the bloom) to soften the brightness and to give the surface of the moon some texture...
a few wispy clouds of cotton gathered from the side of the road in georgia complete the night sky...
and that's how ashlyn's horse was born at 4:00 in the morning:-)
you can see campbell university's equestrian team and their horses here... http://campbellequestrian.weebly.com/photos.html
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